Tina Felix:
"As a mother of 4 boys, 2 young adult men and 2 under the age of 10...I am so encouraged to see so many people come together to better our boys'' lives. Young people need other adults in addition to their parents to be role models and help guide them to their greatness! It truly takes a village to bring our children up. They need to see and hear different perspectives and learn constructive ways to put their interests and talents to use! Trust, self-esteem, and confidence, in my opinion, are huge factors in how our children grow. When they are shown love and respect and feel valued...they will likely exceed our expectations as well as their own!"
Sean King:
"Calling A Few Good Men event on April 21st was an amazing event. I shared the panel with a remarkable team, and the questions answered was relevant and meaningful within today’s society. I am looking forward to duplicating the vision of CAFGM and taking this brotherly love to the world."
Mike Jackson:
"I took a lot from your conference it really opened my mind and really touched me to know that there were so many men who feel the same way that I do about our kids...... It was even more touching for me that the man that I spoke about who mentored me was sitting right in front of me. Even the panel, those men were really genuine, to hear my old boss Bob Davis speak just made the fire burn inside me even more to save our kids."
Chief Capri:
"This was an amazing conference that brought all members of the community together with the goal of building strong relationships and mentoring our at risk youth."